Garage Sale
Each March we hold our annual monster Garage Sale. St Michael's comes alive with treasure hunters, keen to find a bargain at the many tables scattered around the church. Goods for sale include: art works, clothes, books, bric-a-brac and a cake stall of freshly baked cakes and other goodies. This event provides a fund raising opportunity for us to give financially to different local community organisations that are nominated each year as our recipient. In the past we have supported:
Hunt 4 Homeless – a local group of volunteers who provide weekend meals to those who are homeless and disadvantaged in the local community.
3rd Space (formerly 139 Club) – a community organisation that provides practical supports to people who are homeless
Open Doors (our current partner) – a LGBTI youth service operating in Fortitude Valley.
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Our second event on the calendar, in the middle of the year, the Soiree lets its hair down for a relaxed Friday evening of wine and cheese, and fine music - including jazz. A showcase of musical talent, from within the parish community, the local community and the broader Brisbane context, create a mellow ambience. A chilled and enjoyable way to finish the week and see in the weekend! Proceeds support the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre and other projects.
Spring Fair
In late August/early September we hold our Spring Fair. Once again St Michael's interior is transformed by bargain tables and bargain hunters. Goods for sale include: CDs, vinyls, DVDs, speciality clothing, accessories and home wares, along with a cake stall and sausage sizzle. In previous years this event has provided various fund raising opportunities for community and church organisations, as well as parish projects.
Pet Blessing
World Animal Day and St Francis’ Festival
World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence, as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day, as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi – the patron saint of animals.
Here at St Michael and All Angels we acknowledge this day with a week of events. During the week of the festival Fr Olaf visits the RSPCA Brisbane Animal Care Campus at Wacol to bless the animals being looked after there. In the past, on the Saturday of the festival we have had a fair day with petting zoo, sausage sizzle, arts and crafts and an RSPCA promotional stand. The Sunday of the festival is a celebration of St Francis, with a blessing of the animals. This Sunday morning Eucharist is a special one, with many from the community bringing their furry friends to receive a blessing. All funds raised over this weekend are donated to the RSPCA.
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In November/ December, St Michael’s collects donations for those in need being supported by Anglicare Southern Qld - the Anglican Church of Southern Qld’s community service agency. Non-perishable food and basic toiletries are placed under the parish Christmas tree, to be collected by an Anglicare representative before Christmas.
Anglican Schools
St Michael’s has various connections with Anglican schools in the Brisbane area. Anglican schools offer a range of options:
Co-educational and single-sex schools
Day and boarding
Metropolitan, suburban and regional.
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