First Things First - Reflection by Deacon Tim
'Unconditional Devotion' - Parish Notes for 9 Feb & Reflection from Fr Ian
What did you do on the weekend? A refection by Deacon Tim
What's New For You?
Reflection from Deacon Tim, based on our readings from Sunday 9th February.
Preparing for Christ's Coming - Fr Ian's Reflection & Latest Newsletter
Straightened Paths - A Reflection by Deacon Tim
Deacon Tim reflects on Christ the King
Fr Ian's latest reflection - 17th Nov
Who's Your Tribe? Reflection from Deacon Tim
Knowing Jesus in our Hearts - Reflection from Fr Ian
Inner and Outer Work - Deacon Tim's Latest Reflection
What does our disgust reflex have to do with humans’ interest in sanctity? Are you more engaged by interior or exterior spiritual practices? How can you utilise these to grow in love for yourself and others? Deacon Tim’s reflection on the scripture readings for our service on 1st September addresses these questions and more!
Fr Ian Reflects on the Bread of Life
Fr Ian's Reflection & Parish Notes
Fr Ian reflects on John the Baptist’s encounter with Herod, and the having the courage to stand for our convictions.
'Sowing Seeds' - Reflection on the Parable of the Growing Seed (Mk 4:26-34)
Deacon Tim explores the Sowing Seeds theme raised in this simple, mysterious, parable of Jesus.
June Newsletter
Fr Ian reflects on the Parable of the Growing Seed.
Purpose & Oneness
Deacon Tim reflects on the Pentecost story & the sense of purpose & oneness that can emerge in our worship together.
Pentecost Reflection & Parish Notes
Fr Ian reflects on the Festival of Pentecost & Fr Olaf shares about some changes within the church building and in the eastern garden bed.
Carrots and Sticks
Fr Ian reflects on Jesus the Good Shepherd.
God is My Shepherd
Deacon Tim’s reflection on the scripture readings for ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’, 21st April 2024.